"ၼွၼ်းၽၼ်ဢမ်ႇတၢၼ်ႇတူဝ်ထူပ်း သိပ်းသူပ်းဢမ်ႇတၢၼ်ႇတႃႁၼ်" *

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* A Shan proverb meaning "dreaming does not equal encountering (the reality). Ten mouths (of 10 people) do not equal one eye seeing." (lit: Sleep/lie.down-dream-NEG-equal-body-encounter ten-mouth-NEG-equal-eye-see; Thai cognates (reconstructed ones are marked with an asterisk): นอนฝันอ่าม*ต่านตัว*ถบ สิบ*สบอ่าม*ต่านตาเห็น). Notice the contrast between the mind (cf. fantasy) and body (cf. reality) and between hearing and seeing. The structure of the proverb is interesting. The final word of the first part rhymes with the second word of the second part. This is typical in Southwestern Tai languages.

The proverb is generally about not believing anything until you see it for yourself (not in your dreams or through someone else's eyes). However, I think you can also interpret the saying like this: The first part is a reminder to people who are good at planning but not at carrying out their plans (check out implementation intentions by Peter Gollwitzer). Just because you have planned to do something does not mean that that thing is already done. The second part is about those who believe what others say without thinking for themselves. This idea is important for research too. Researchers should not rely on secondary sources. The interpretation seems to be related to personality traits according to the Big Five model. The first part is about conscientiousness and the second agreeableness.